
Thursday 7 January 2016

Risol Pisang Nutella


  1. 5 buah pisang kepok
  2. 10 lembar kulit lumpia
  3. nutella
  4. 1 butir telur
  5. 1/2 bungkus SKM
  6. secukupnya air
  7. secukupnya tepung terigu
  8. secukupnya tepung roti


  1. kocok lepas telur, tambahkan air dan susu kental manis.
  2. susun pisang di kulit lumpia dan oleskan nutella. lipat memanjang.
  3. celupkan di kocokan telur - tepung terigu - kocokan telur - tepung roti. sisihkan.
  4. goreng sampai kecoklatan. sajikan.
  5. setelah risol pisang nutella matang, kedua raksasa itu makan dengan bahagia 😑

Saturday 18 December 2010


Discovery burger.

There are several versions of the history of the creation of a burger, is confectionary specialties was originally the Tartars, namely in the form of minced meat is eaten raw with lemon. Nation is a nation of nomadic Tartars who often travel long distances on horseback, so that the meat they bring often becomes hard and not worthy of consumption, then they outsmart by placing the meat under their saddle horses. after a long trip was the meat is still warm and not cold, the meat is eaten directly without cooking and was only given a little lime juice.

Famous delicious dishes from Central Asia is then carried by European sailors to the country, precisely to the city of Hamburg because the people there are generally assume that they are a civilized nation, they refused to eat meat that was cooked, the meat they cook is typical of Tartar before you eat baked or fried in a way, it turns out this dish is very popular variety of people. Until now, most people still prefer to eat it raw. This is the origin of meat burgers.

Steak Hamburg

As for the hamburger as we know current form, namely in the form of meat eaten with bread, comes from America, immigrants from Hamburg to introduce their burger meat to Americans. There meat is named Hamburg Steak and meat is still eaten just like eating a steak.

According to the residents of Hamburg, New York, an area that is named like the city of Hamburg in Germany, the food was discovered by two brothers from Ohio, Frank and Charles Menches, according to legend, they are in the street food vendors that sell sandwiches, because one day they ran out of sausage, so they use minced beef instead of sausage for the content of their sandwiches. And use of this beef was addressed well by their customers.

Hamburger (or often referred to as a burger) is a type of food in the form of round-shaped bread is sliced in half and the middle filled with a patty that is usually taken from the meat, then vegetables in the form of lettuce, tomatoes and onions. For the sauce, burgers were given various kinds of sauces such as mayonnaise, ketchup and chili sauce and mustard. Some variants burger also comes with cheese, pickles, and other supplementary materials such as sausage and Ham.

Saturday 2 August 2008

Almost all foods are of plant or animal origin, although there are some exceptions. Foods not coming from animal or plant sources include various edible fungi, including mushrooms. Fungi and ambient bacteria are used in the preparation of fermented and pickled foods such as leavened bread, wine, beer, cheese, pickles, and yogurt. Many cultures eat seaweed, which is a protist, or blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) such as Spirulina.[1] Additionally, salt is often eaten as a flavoring or preservative, and baking soda is used in food preparation. Both of these are inorganic substances, as is water, an important part of human diet.


A variety of foods from plant sources

A variety of foods from plant sources

Many plants or plant parts are eaten as food. There are around 2,000 plant species which are cultivated for food, and many have several distinct cultivars.

Seeds of plants contain nutrients necessary for the plant's initial growth, and because of this, seeds are a good source of food for animals, including humans. In fact, the majority of food consumed by human beings are seed-based foods. These seeds include cereals (such as maize, wheat, and rice), legumes (such as beans, peas, and lentils), and nuts. Oilseeds are often pressed to produce rich oils, such as sunflower, rape (including canola oil), and sesame.[3] One of the earliest food recipes made from ground chickpeas is called hummus, which can be traced back to Ancient Egypt times.

Fruits are the ripened extensions of plants, including the seeds within. Many plants have evolved fruits that are attractive as a food source to animals, so that animals will eat the fruits and excrete the seeds some distance away. Fruits, therefore, make up a significant part of the diets of most cultures. Some botanical fruits, such as tomato, pumpkin and eggplant, are eaten as vegetables.[4] (For more information, see list of fruits.)

Vegetables are a second type of plant matter that is commonly eaten as food. These include root vegetables (such as potatoes and carrots), leaf vegetables (such as spinach and lettuce), stem vegetables (such as bamboo shoots and asparagus), and inflorescence vegetables (such as globe artichokes and broccoli). Many herbs and spices are highly-flavorful vegetables.


Various raw meats

Various raw meats

Animal source foods

Animals can be used as food either directly, or indirectly by the products they produce. Meat is an example of a direct product taken from an animal, which comes from either muscle systems or from organs. Food products produced by animals include milk produced by mammals, which in many cultures is drunk or processed into dairy products such as cheese or butter. In addition birds and other animals lay eggs, which are often eaten, and bees produce honey, a popular sweetener in many cultures. Some cultures consume blood, some in the form of blood sausage, as a thickener for sauces, a cured salted form for times of food scarcity, and others use blood in stews such as civet